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Monday, January 18, 2010

Birthday Celebration =)

Project 365 #285

We went to Library for the celebration.


On Monday night

So Hardworking can!


The organizer msn'ed me in the afternoon and ask if I am free tonite. Answered yes widout thinking whn she told me we are doing a small birthday celebration for two birthday gal n boy. THEN she actually told me that we will be celebrating the Birthday at Library. Siao can! Nvr been to pub/club on Monday tho...coz ya know...it's the first day of work for the week which means if I drink a lot I will be suffering from dizziness for a week. Yea. Old ppl nid a week to recover for one alcoholic nite. ><"

Bought twister fries at E@curve's McD. wth. It cost me RM5.10. The stupiak me pay RM11 and the stupiak cashier gimme back 90 cents. wth. I got blur and told her I paid her RM11. She keep on telling that I paid her RM6...GAHHHHHHHHHH!!! I told her I said I tot I've got 10cents earlier that's why I paid her RM10 thn after that pay her another piece of RM1 bcoz I tot to replace that 10cents wid RM1. wtf. I even scold myself...ask why so stupid tat I go pay her RM11. =.=" The cashier doubt with it and told one of her kelic. They starts to tally the cashier money yet thy can't get the correct amount AND I am only her second customer after she open the cashier. wtf. There are long Q behind and ther's only one cashier. Thy asked the supevisor out. I saw the supervisor counting money then she asked me how much I paid. She then giv me back RM5.90. I asked if the money is tally and she answered yet. Yea...I left feeling the stupiak cashier staring from my back. wtf. GERAM BETUL. Nxt time I will memorize my money's serial no. when I pay the bill at E @ Curve mia McD. wtf. =.="


So yea. Count how many wtf I've used in this post. xD
