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Saturday, January 17, 2009


Brought Bao Bao for third Jab 2day. Send him back home after the jab and went for facial with my cousins. Found out that Bao Bao actually have fever when I reached home. AND in a sudden, I feel dizzy and hot and headache as well. I guess that I am having fever too. Heart pain when seeing him not tat active after the jab and I can feel the HEAT from his body. It is really VERY hot. This is the 1st time I see him getting fever as he is still very active after the 2nd Jab earlier. I hav actually moved my lappie, the mags from my room and sit myself in the living room near Bao Bao, in order to look after him.(normally I wil hide myself in the room when I am home) I knew that there's nothing to worry about as getting fever after the jab is normal. BUT, why I will feel dizzy and hot as well? Is it actually I think too much, or...it is bcoz...me n Bao Bao muz share avthing we have/face? LOL