Miaoyi says :

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Thursday, October 28, 2010


What is worst than being food poisoned a day before your holidays?

but the porridge taste good.
Salt + water + rice + mummy love
made a sweet combo =)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bday celebration cum mini gathering

title says it all.
It've been 2 years since the last time I met the Birthday gal =)

had this mini gathering near Setapak area
this resto used to be one of our favorite hang out places
everything remain unchanged after 2 years
the food and beverage doesnt taste that good already
(mayb we have become even more choosy as we grow on)


Pen is attached. =p

A glass of Mojito to end the nite is juz simply awesome ♥~

Friday, October 22, 2010

It's Mobster Day xD

Attended MP screening
Still miss the first one tat I attended.

Oh yea,
sth different this year,
they came up with a theme
MOBSTER it is ;)


We do dress up like a Mobster!

We partayyyy from 6pm(yeap, THAT early!) till 8pm
Had uncountable glasses of wine
and dance like nobody business ><

Catch up for a movie at 2130 latter.
You again! it is.

NAIS and Farney movie. xD

Sunday, October 17, 2010

171020102345322849 =)

10 月17 日
3228 g
49 cm

母子平安 =)


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Be tough, will you?

My umbrella cant hold any heavier rain

Tears just flow quietly itself widout alarm'ing me for the whole morning

Oh well
it is not a quiet one
colleagues saw my eyes turned red,
people from another side of the phone sensed it.

The next time when you hear I am not alright
don't ask me
"Are you okay?"
It is really like the button to make my tears flow uncontrollably.

I doesn't suit to be in this line.

I don't like people to question me.

I just haven't get out from the
speak-to-BIG-ppl phobia.

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

Monday, October 11, 2010




有时候,你被人误解,你不想争辩,所以选择沈默。本来就不是所有的人都得了解你,因此你认为不必对全世界喊话。却也有时候,你被最爱的人误解,你难过到不 想争辩,也只有选择沈默。全世界都可以不懂你,但他应该懂,若他竟然不能懂,还有什么话可说?那么,不想说话,就不说吧,在多说无益的时候,也许沈默就是 最好的解释。
在你跌入人生谷底的时候,你身旁所有的人都告诉你:要坚强,而且要快乐。坚强是绝对需要的,但是快乐?在这种情形下,恐怕是太为难你了。毕竟,谁能在跌得 头破血流的时候还觉得高兴?但是至少可以做 到平静。平静地看待这件事,平静地把其他该处理的事处理好。平静,没有快乐,也没有不快乐。
人生是一条有无限多岔口的长路,永远在不停地做选择。如果只是选择吃炒面或炒饭,影响似乎不大,但选择读什么科系、做什么工作、结婚或不结婚、要不要有孩 子,每一个选择都影响深远,而不同的选择也必定造就完全不一样的人生。生命中不可承受之情,就在于人生没有重来 的机会啊。如果当初如何如何,现在就不会怎样怎样。。。这种充满怅然的喃喃自语,还是别再多说了吧。每一个岔口的选择其实没有真正的好与坏,只要把人生看 成是自己。独一无二的创作,就不会频频回首如果当初做了不一样的选择。
因为思虑过多,所以常会把自己的人生复杂化了。明明是活在现在,却总是念念不忘着过去,又忧心忡忡着未来;坚持携带着过去、未来与现在同行,你的人 生当然只有一片拖泥带水。而单纯是一种恩宠状态。单纯地以皮肤感受天气的变化,单纯地以鼻腔品尝雨后的青草香,单纯地以眼睛统摄远山近景如一幅画。单纯地 活在当下。而当下其实无所谓是非真假。既然没有是非,就不必思虑;没有真假,就无须念念不忘又忧心忡忡。无是非真 假,不就像在做梦一样了吗?是呀,就单纯地把你的人生当成梦境去执行吧。
今天的你,是不开心的你,因为有人在言语间刺伤了你。你不喜欢吵架,所以你离开;可是你只是离开了那,却没有离开被那人伤害的情境,因此你愈想愈生气。愈 有气,你就愈没有力气去理会别的事情,许多更该用心去做去想去处理的事件,就在你漫天漫地的心烦意乱之中,被轻忽被漠视被省略了。因为,你只是一心一意地 在生气。在情绪上做文章,这是对自己的浪费,而且是很坏的浪费。毕竟,生气也是要花力气的,而且生气一定伤元气。所以,聪明如你,别让情绪控制了你,当你 又要生气之 前,不妨轻声地提醒自己一句:“别浪费了。”
曾经有一段时间,你心情低落,甚至懒得拉开窗帘,看着窗外的阳光。因此你当然也忘了去看看,窗台上那一盆每天都需要喝水的百合花。如此不知过了多久,总算 有一天,你度过了心情的低潮,同时也想起了你的百合。天啊,可怜的花,它还活着吗?你战战兢兢地拉开窗帘,却见它迎风招摇,花颜可掬。原来在过去的这段日 子里,你虽然忘了喂它喝水,老天却没忘了以雨露眷顾它呢。许多事物悄悄地在你的视线之外进行,而且悄悄地安排好了它们自己。天生万物,天养万 物,一切其实无须担心。。。


Saturday, October 09, 2010

Food Hunt xD

Malacca it is!

Pork Satay : Sun May Hiong Satay House
Thousand Layers cake : Nadeje
Asam Laksa & Cendol : Jonker 88
Portuguese baked fish + squid : Sea Terrace
Sim ham + La la : Capital Delicious Seafood


Only confirm going like at the very last minute. Depart at 12 and there we start food hunting. Tried a lot of different tasty food at Malacca. No more chicken rice balls, no more satay celup, no more baba nyonya dishes.

It's my first time eating and visiting all the above(except cendol) Had fun and don't really feel the tiredness ;) AND it is really eating, eating and EATING. No travel ard to see all the famous/tourist spots, not much of photo snapping.

I dare not stand on the weighting scale anymore.
MY diet plan. *sobz

Friday, October 08, 2010

Happy Birthday =)

Monday, October 04, 2010

How you doing?

I miss you

and I really do

Friday, October 01, 2010

After 2 years

I received my very own invitation
by need not to ask ppl's help in doing RSVP for me =)

This is always the show that I am long'ing and waiting for every year.
Can't wait for the day to come ;)